Social Responsability

At Frutícola Velo we are committed to creating sources of decent employment and productive work in our community. Without social, physical or cultural distinctions. Consequently, we have developed policies that enable us to accomplish good labor inclusion practices. We have certifications and recognitions as a socially responsible company.

  • Recognitions

    Family Responsible Company

    Since 2011, our company has been recognized by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare as a "FAMILY RESPONSIBLE COMPANY". This distinctive constitutes a work ethic system made up of three areas of work practices: work-family reconciliation, equal opportunities and the fight against workplace violence and sexual harassment.

  • Recognitions

    Secure Company

    We have a program of health and safety at work which promotes and ensures that safety and hygiene are incorporated as essential elements within the company.

  • Recognitions

    Inclusive Company

    In December 2013 we received the recognition of “INCLUSIVE COMPANY”, a badge that the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare awards to companies that apply a policy of good labor practices in equal opportunities, inclusion, development and non-discrimination of people in situations of vulnerability.

  • Commitment

    With Education

    We offer opportunities to every member of our company so they can carry on with their studies:

    Zero Educational Lagging Program: with this program our collaborators can study their primary and secondary education in our facilities. Moreover, we offer the possibility of continuing with high school education.

    Scholarship Program: we support some of our collaborators through scholarships for studying university.

  • Commitment

    With sport

    We promote sports through events organized in our facilities. Also, we promote the participation of our collaborators in competitions that take place in our community. Moreover, we sponsor employees that have excelled in sports, such as athletics, boxing and soccer.

  • Commitment

    To improve the quality of life of our collaborators

    In 2013 we established a program with the purpose of improving the housing conditions of our employees in order to ameliorate their life quality, give added value to their homes and therefore positively impact their economy.

How can we help you?

If you require support or information regarding the products offered by the company, contact us.

We work hand in hand with our producers, with the unconditional support of our collaborators, in Fruticola Velo we not only sell avocados, we seek to be a facilitator to solve the needs of our clients. If we do this well, success comes alone.

Ricardo Vega
Sales Manager, Fruticola Velo